Anabaptist Disciples of Christ is an affiliation of Conservative Anabaptist churches seeking likeminded fellowship, instruction, and accountability in church administration and congregational life in the Biblical pattern of the New Testament church, and to passionately follow Jesus Christ and advance the Kingdom of God in every generation. This is a concise overview of the Statement of Beliefs adapted from the Mennonite Confession of Faith of 1963, and adopted by Anabaptist Disciples of Christ on June 30, 2018, in Bellville, OH. See the ADC Statement of Beliefs for the full text and supporting Scriptures.

1. God and His attributes: We believe in one God eternally existing as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

2. Divine Revelation: We believe that God has revealed himself in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, the inspired Word of God, and supremely in his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

3. God’s Creation and Providence: We believe that in the beginning God created all things by His Son. He made man in the divine image, with free will, moral character, and a spiritual nature.

4. Man and His Sin: We believe that man fell into sin, bringing depravity and death upon the race; that as sinner, man is self-centered and self-willed, unwilling and unable to break with sin.

5. Christ, the Savior from Sin: We believe that there is one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who died to redeem us from sin and arose for our justification.

6. Salvation by Grace Through Faith: We believe that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ, a free gift bestowed by God on those who repent and believe.

7. The Holy Spirit and the Christian Life: We believe that the Holy Spirit convicts of sin, effects the new birth, gives guidance in life, empowers for service, and enables perseverance in faith and holiness.

8. The Church of Christ: We believe that the church is the body of Christ, the brotherhood of the redeemed, a disciplined people obedient to the Word of God, and a fellowship of love, intercession, and healing.

9. The Mission of the Church to Society: We believe that Christ commissioned the church to go into all the world, making disciples of all the nations, and ministering to every human need.

10. The Ministers of the Church: We believe it is the will of God that there should be ministers to teach the Word, to serve as leaders, to administer the ordinances, to lead the church in the exercise of discipline, and to serve as pastors and teachers, and deacons.

11. Christian Baptism: We believe that those who repent and believe should be baptized with water as a symbol of baptism with the Spirit, cleansing from sin, and commitment to Christ.

12. The Lord’s Supper: We believe that the church should observe the communion of the Lord’s Supper as a symbol of his broken body and shed blood, and of the fellowship of his church, until his return.

13. Symbols of Christian Brotherhood: We believe in the washing of the saints’ feet as a symbol of brotherhood, cleansing, and service, and in giving the right hand of fellowship and the Christian salutation as symbols of Christian love.

14. Symbols of Christian Order: We believe that God has established unique roles for man and woman, symbolized by man’s bared head in praying and prophesying, and by woman’s veiled head.

15. Marriage and the Home: We believe that Christian marriage is intended by God to be the union of one man and one woman for life, and that Christians shall marry only in the Lord.

16. Discipleship in the Kingdom of Christ: We believe the Kingdom of Christ is composed of those who have been born again and follow Jesus Christ as His disciples, and are not to be conformed to the kingdom of this world, but seek to conform to Christ in every area of life.

17. Holiness and Simplicity of Life: We believe that as members of the Kingdom of Christ, we must live a lifestyle of holiness and simplicity, showing Christian stewardship in every area of life, and modesty and economy in our appearance, as becomes those professing Christian faith.

18. Holiness and Christian Integrity: We believe that Christians are to be open and transparent in life, ever speaking the truth, and employing no oaths.

19. Holiness and Media: We believe the influence of unregulated media causes us to adapt to the secular culture and values of the kingdom of this world, drawing us away from a Biblical lifestyle. Recognizing that the point of conflict has shifted from electronic devices to the media content they broadcast, we refrain from the use of ungodly forms of media and content, utilizing safeguards as necessary.

20. Love and Nonresistance: We believe that it is the will of God for Christians to refrain from force and violence in human relations and to show Christian love to all men.

21. The Christian and the State: We believe that the state is ordained of God to maintain order in society, and that Christians should honor rulers, be subject to authorities, witness to the state, and pray for governments.

22. The Final Consummation: We believe that at death the unsaved enter into everlasting punishment and the saved into conscious bliss with Christ, who is coming again, and will raise the dead, sit in judgment, and bring in God’s everlasting kingdom.